KUALA LUMPUR, APRIL 2018 - The Taaras Beach & Spa Resort will be having a conservation day in April 2018 to preserve the islands marine environment by planting corals at designated dive sites located on Redang Island. This event is a collaboration with Malaysia New Zealand Chamber of Commerce (MNZCC), Aquaria KLCC, Reef Check Malaysia and The Taaras Beach & Spa Resort. The press conference will take place on 22nd April 2018 at Aquaria KLCC followed by the actual event that will commence from 26th April 2018 – 29th April 2018. The event will be called Redang Island Conservation Day (RICD).
RICD was brought to life after receiving a huge amount of support from our partners, sponsors, divers, non-divers, and members of the media. Mr. Peter Neto, General Manager of The Taaras Beach & Spa Resort urges everyone to ‘Think globally, act locally’. It is a phrase used for decades in various contexts, yet, applicable to our cause which are marine environment and hospitality. Our industry builds stunning properties in the remotest of locations, attracting many from far afield, who take back home tales from their travels. To protect local marine life is to ensure that visitors from all over the world can continue to enjoy the stunning natural beauty of Malaysia for generations to come.
Mr. Bruce Hope, Chairman of Malaysia New Zealand Chamber of Commerce mentions that “It is awesome to have so many of us joined together for this event. As members of a global community, taking care of our increasingly fragile marine environment is important. The use of technology will help us to understand, educate ourselves and others further with the amazing imagery that we will capture and inspire us to do more.”
Dato' Simon Foong, Group Managing Director & Chairman of Aquawalk Sdn Bhd commented, “Aquaria KLCC has been working to raise awareness of the plight of our oceans and the urgent need for marine conservation with the public from educational activities in our oceanarium, school outreach programs, and through campaigns such as this. We are proud to work alongside our partners here today to protect our future”.
The participants of RICD comprise of both divers and non-divers from all over Malaysia and they are all driven by the same passion which is to protect local marine life and preserve mother nature. RICD have selected certain parts of the area conducive enough for corals and marine life to breed and will be submerging five units of coral structures which will be custom made by The Taaras Beach & Spa Resort’s team using recycled materials. The structure designs were provided by RICD’s partner Malaysia New Zealand Chamber of Commerce (MNZCC). MNZCC organized an online reef design competition which took place from 15 January 2018 – 28th February 2018 in order to get the public to contribute their design ideas of coral structures that are diver- friendly and can be made of recycled materials. The winners of this competition will be announced during the RICD press conference.
The non-divers on the other hand will be doing their part to preserve mother nature by cleaning up the beach as much as they can and ensuring that washed up trash from the ocean is fully cleaned from the beach to prevent it from going back to the sea which could affect the growth of the corals and endanger the marine life that is living around the area.
The ocean is another world beneath the waves and coral reefs have been the source for nourishing food, needful medicines, sustainable economy and beautiful vacation sites. They also contribute towards protecting life on land against tsunamis and tropical storms. It is the foundation of cultures, a seemingly infinite source of inspiration, an invaluable library of life’s mysteries and a rich source of resilience against environmental changes.
Malaysia is one of the most affluent countries in the South-East Asia region. Its growth has been influenced by its abundant and rich coral reef and shallow tropical marine resources. Most of the development that is occurring in Malaysia is concentrated in the narrow coastal zone, making this a key area in the issues affecting the sustainability of this development. The coastal zone environments, including coral reefs, are exposed to a suite of anthropogenic impacts and threats. This coastal zone is not limited to the maritime areas of the mainland, but instead extends to cover the multitude of islands including Redang Island. Besides the official partners of the event, various corporations joined hands to support this good cause such as Sports Toto Malaysia, Cosway Malaysia, 7-Eleven Malaysia, SaSa Malaysia, 100 plus Malaysia, Starbucks Malaysia, Fonterra, Alliance Group, Avis, Beribu Jaya, BoxFish Research, Champagne Carbon, Milawa, Revisia, Roger Konopasek and Storiiu.
The Taaras Beach and Spa Resort, the only 5-star resort in Redang Island with a private beach and fully owned by Berjaya Group of Hotels & Resorts aims to contribute towards preserving these coral reefs in the island. It is through this objective that we have and hold dearly to our hearts, have made Redang Island Conservation Day 2018 a reality with the help of our main partners and sponsors. We hope to continue this legacy in years to come as well.